Terms Conditions

The use of the Technewsdaily website is subject to terms of use, and by using the Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms.

We may modify these Terms without notice to you, and your continued use of the Site constitutes acceptance of the modified Terms. You should review these Terms regularly to ensure that you are aware of any changes.

You may access and use the Service only if you agree to be legally bound by these Terms. You are not authorized to access or use the Service if you are not a legal adult in your jurisdiction.

To use our services, you unconditionally agree not to;

  • Distribute any services offered by the website without authorization
  • Copy, transmit, redistribute or sell our services without our prior approval
  • Disable or interfere with any of our services, including security features
  • Restrict use of content
  • Use our services for commercial purposes unless approved by Technewsdaily
  • Launch any automated objects such as robots that would otherwise cause confusion and hindrance


Technewsdaily is not responsible for the content on any website linked to this website. All applicable federal, state and local laws govern these terms and conditions.